Friday, February 17, 2006

Open Heart Verbage

Another posting has inspired me to be mushy because of Valentine's Day (even though I'm a little late.) I have much to be thankful for this year (I know, I know, it's not Thanksgiving.) There are so many people who have shown their love and support these past years, through my pregnancy, while giving birth, bringing up this little bundle of joy (who just turned one) that I want them all to know how much I appreciate them and love them. I'm a little reticent with expressing my feeling in person, so if said people are reading this then, yes it applies to you. It's hard to understand how much a parent loves their child until they have one themselves. (Hey, I almost had a sentence without parethesis at the end, but I wouldn't want to ruin a good trend like this.) Love multiplies and grows a little more with each passing day (Okay, I'm done being mushy now, boy I was really gushing there for a minute.)


mary grimm said...

You big mushy thing! Actually I think having grandchildren reminds you all over again about how much you love your children.

Sean Santa said...

i happen to like paranthetical sentences
