Sunday, April 09, 2006

Job Quandry

It's been a busy few weeks. And now I have something big to think about. I have to decide whether I want to change what I'm doing or stay the same, more or less, job wise. The big quandry -- do I want to stay a teacher, or do I want to move into administration? My big worry is that it will not keep changing the way teaching does -- it seems like to has the potential to do that. The other concern -- this will be a real job, where I will have to work normal hours all year long and my son will have to go into daycare. I just can't decide yet.


mary grimm said...

Yes--the changing, that's what keeps me engaged with teaching. I don't suppose there's any reason other jobs couldn't be like that, except that so many of them aren't.

VFox said...

It seems like this could be since it's so closely tied to curriculum and outcomes. It seems like there's always some new better way of doing things.

susan grimm said...

I could have sworn that I already posted this at work: I can imagine you running your own country (which is kind of what a school is). But I guess that answers the question of whether you would be good at it, not whether to do it.