Monday, January 02, 2006

The New Year

I have resolved not to make any resolutions this year. Of course, I have a laundry list of things I'd like to do and accomplish, but when I call it a resolution it takes on a new and different meaning and just doesn't get done. I'm usually pretty good at getting things on my list done. My perpetutal, ever-growing "to do" list. One of a string of paper lists, where things not done get moved to the new, better list. Or my electronic list where things linger forever until, I either get tired of seeing them and delete them or finally cross them off. For lists, I think I prefer paper. It's right there in my hand. I have the satisfaction of crossing off the items as I accomplish them. I can have a large sheet of paper with lots of crossed off items. And then I can start all over again on a fresh sheet of paper.

It's gray and yucky outside this morning. At least we had a nice day for the first day of the new year. Sometimes, it's hard to be inspired to do much of anything when it's gray and rainy. A good time to curl up with a good book.


susan grimm said...

I love lists. It makes me feel ordered (when I suspect I'm not). What do you think--are resolutions too much like commitments or sacraments?

mary grimm said...

There must be a list gene, passed down on the maternal side. But here's the question: do you ever put things on your list that you've already done, so you can cross something off immediately? This is very important to my personal mental health.

VFox said...

Yes, I do put things on my list and cross them off right away. Especially when I don't make a list first thing in the morning - -I don't want to feel like I haven't done anything.